Tell everyone to gather around and get their singing voices ready because I have plenty of camping songs to share with you. There’s a little bit for everyone, whether you want to get the kids involved, keep things slow, or bring out the guitar for some campfire favourites.

For the kids, I’ve got some silly camping songs. Whether the Girl Scouts originated it or it was a summer camp favourite, these are some tried and true songs that kids will love. While most of the videos are very nursery rhymed focused and a little cheesy, I promise they’re fun to do as a family around the campfire.
When it’s time to wind things down for the night, I also included some slow songs. It’s a good idea to sing a couple of these after the fun songs to signal to your child that bedtime is near.
And if you love to play the guitar, I also included a list of guitar songs with chords that many people love and give off the perfect vibes when you’re sitting around cooking s’mores.

Silly and Fun Camping Songs
These songs are great to do with kids. Many of these also work great at summer camp for when you’re trying to get the kids to laugh and have fun.
1. The Toast Song
This is fun song to also do as a repeat after me song. Kids think this camping song is hilarious. Frankly, so do I.
2. The Great Big Moose
Kids absolutely love this one. And I warn you; it will get stuck in your head.
3. Boom Chicka Boom
This repeat after me song has actions and lyrics, so it’s great to get moving in the middle of your camping song session.
4. There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
Typically, this song is performed as a repeat after me song. But when the kids get to know it well, they can do it all at once. It’s fun to try and make this song as fast as possible when you get to the last round.
5. Hi, My Name is Joe
This song has a great rhythm. It’s got some simple actions, too, to keep the whole body moving while singing.
6. Going on a Bear Hunt
You may have also heard going on a lion hunt, but this is a fun song to do with kids. The more of a storyteller the main singer is, the more fun!
7. The Little Green Frog
This is a cute camping song that lots of kids like to do. It has a couple of hand actions, so you don’t need to get up from your chair.
8. The Green Grass Grew All Around
This song is similar to the bump on the log song, so if you’re a fan of that one, you’ll also love this grass version.
9. There’s a Hole in My Bucket
This call-and-response song is best done with a group of guys and a group of gals. The more exasperated the gals are, the funnier!
10. Swimming, Swimming
If you have kids that love swimming, they will adore this one. It’s got some actions, and every time you sing the song through, you take out a line to hum. This video shows it nicely!
11. Poor Little Bug
I feel like this is a classic camping song about a poor little bug! It’s simple, a little silly and will easily get kids excited. The first round is sung normally, the second by wiggling your lips, the third yodelling, and so on.
12. Boom, Boom Ain’t It Great to be Crazy
This is another camping song that has been around for a while. You can add some actions if you like or even create your own.
13. Herman the Worm
If you have a good storyteller, let them take the lead in this repeat-after-me song. It’s got some simple actions to go with it.
14. Black Socks
This may be one of the most relatable camping songs. It’s sung as a round, so first, make sure everyone knows how to sing their parts and then do it all together.
15. Bringing Home My Baby Bumblebee
I will admit this song always makes me a little sad, even though I know it’s meant to be silly. I don’t want to encourage any bee smushing!!
16. A Pizza Hut
Is this free advertising for some big brands? Who came up with this song? Either way, kids have fun with the simple lyrics and actions.
17. Alice the Camel
This song is very easy to catch along with, thanks to its quick, repetitive nature.
18. Do Your Ears Hang Low
I love turning to a good ol’ Barney video. I’ve also heard a few more racy versions of this song, but this is the kid-safe version.
19. I’m a Little Hunk of Tin
Not only is this a camping song for around the campfire, but you could also sing it in the car on the way to the campground.
20. I found a Bug
I can’t find a video of this song anywhere, so hopefully, the lyrics will suffice. This is a repeating song. Sing all of these lines one at a time, then let the kids repeat them back to you.
I found a bug (clap clap)
The cutest little bug that you ever did see
So I put him in a jar and took him home with me
Then add these lines one at a time. Every time you add a line, you repeat the whole song. Also, add an action to each line. Eventually, you sing the last line, “no teeth,” by placing your lips over your teeth and singing the whole song sounding silly!
Red stripe here
Yellow stripe there
Orange and purple ears
Great big eyes
Ten long legs
Enormous tail
No teeth
Slow Camping Songs
These slower songs are good for when you’re looking to wind down the night, but want to keep on singing.
21. Fire’s Burning
You can sing this song all together or as a round. It sounds quite beautiful when everyone is doing a round in their own time.
22. The More We Get Together
Here’s another example, compliments of Barney, for you to learn this simple, classic camping song.
23. Linger
This camping song is great for ending the night. It’s a little emotional, reminding us of our camping days that are coming to an end.
24. Say When/Say When
I believe this one originated with Girl Scouts and is a simple and lovely song to end the night with.
25. Land of the Silver Birch
This might be a Canadian-only folk song, but I remember it fondly from when I was younger.
26. Kumbaya
This song comes from time spent at the United Church’s summer camp. While it has some religious undertones, it’s a lovely little tune.
27. Peace Like a River
Similar to Kumbaya, this one has some religious lyrics, but it has a nice overall message that everyone can appreciate.
28. The Rain Song
This camping song requires no singing! It’s best when you have a large group of people as you can really hear just how much these motions sound like rain.
To make your own rainstorm, everyone must sit in a circle. One person is the leader inside the circle, telling you what motions to do. You only make that motion when the leader passes in front of you while they walk around the circle. This means some people are doing different motions at the same time to create a rainstorm sound.
The motions are as follows:
- Sitting still (until the leader comes in front of you with the next motion)
- Rub hands together
- Snap fingers
- Slap thighs
- Stomp feet
- (repeat in reverse order)

Guitar Camping Songs
If you’re lucky enough to have someone in your camping group who plays the guitar, then ask them if they can play any of these songs! Most people know most or some of the words to join in.