Don’t let mosquitoes ruin another beautiful night under the stars. This simple camping hack shows you how to burn herbs that keep mosquitoes away naturally. You should be able to enjoy your peaceful night mosquito-free!
I despise mosquitoes. And I know I’m not alone in that not-so-hot take.
Mosquitoes have a nasty habit of ruining a perfectly good camping trip. You can have the time of your life and in the most beautiful scenery, but if tiny little creatures are sucking your blood and making you itchy…well, it’s just not very appealing.
Even when the sun has gone down, the buggers have a habit of still sticking around. In fact, the lack of heat and sun may make them even worse!
Biting mosquitoes shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a campfire. It’s practically a must-do camping activity. To stop the mosquitoes, you can actually burn herbs that keep mosquitoes away to repel them naturally.
It’s one of my favourite camping hacks, partly because it works but also because I’m a gardener and have an abundance of sage and other herbs at my disposal. Here’s exactly how to do it!
What to Burn to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
Sage is the most common herb you will see and the most traditionally used for this purpose. Indigenous people worldwide have burned herbs as a part of their culture for centuries. We mustn’t culturally appropriate these rituals while burning the herbs in our campfires.
This method works because mosquitoes hate the smell of strongly scented herbs. Besides sage, you can also burn herbs like lemon balm, rosemary, lavender, mint, and citronella.
Burning them is the simple part. Just toss the bundle or branches into the fire and let them burn. I recommend putting it to the side rather than in the central heat, so it doesn’t burn down too fast.
The scent will be carried in the smoke, and the mosquitoes won’t come near the area. Keep a few bundles on hand to add to the fire as they slowly burn down. The herbs can be fresh or dried.
How Many Herbs Do You Need?
The best answer for this one is to use trial and error. A small bundle can help cover a small area, but you will need some pretty big bundles if you have a large fire.
You can also try to do a few leaves at a time, but this won’t create as strong an aroma. Try a little at first and go from there to repel the mosquitoes.
Can You Burn Herbs in a Propane Firepit?
More often than not, I use a propane firepit while camping. While herbs leave little residue, they will still leave some charred bits. Propane firepits are not easily cleaned, which is a good reason why you should also be careful roasting marshmallows over them in case they fall off.
I reserve this trick for when I have a wood-burning firepit. Otherwise, I use these other natural methods for keeping mosquitoes away, including natural bug spray and homemade citronella candles!
I hope you try this trick the next time you’re camping. If you can remember to add herbs to your packing list, you’ll be so happy you did when the mosquitoes come flying out.